Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Suhl, U.
Meinhardt, G.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Nachtigall, C.
Mortensen, U.
Meinhardt, G.
Mortensen, U
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U. |
Visual contrast detection by single channel versus probability summation among channels. Biological Cybernetics, 1988, 59, 137 - 147 (pdf)
An evaluation of sensory noise in the human visual system
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Detection of aperiodic test patterns by pattern specific detectors revealed by subthreshold summation.
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Detection of visual stimuli in correlated noise. (2007)
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Texte ( Auswahl)
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.,
Suhl, U.,
Lanwehr, R.
Mortensen, U.
Meinhardt, G.
Mortensen, U. Meinhardt, G.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
Mortensen, U.
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